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Cyber for Hire

As we get closer to the end of the year, it’s time to start planning the budget and developing a strategy for 2019. One huge facet of business that is often overlooked is company cybersecurity. From the personnel needed to the software required, adjust next year’s budget and hiring strategy to include a cybersecurity plan.

The first thing to remember when developing your 2019 cyber strategy is that you get what you pay for. Cyber hackers are in the news almost daily and cybercrime has now reached as much as $600 billion. With staggering numbers like this, your cybersecurity team is not the place to try to cut corners. Cyber skills can be hard to come by so in order to attract the right talent, you will need to offer the right price. One thing is certain, if you don’t hire the right person to stay safe, you will regret it down the road.

Another important strategy to help combat cybercrime is to implement employee training. With new threats happening almost daily, it is important to keep your team up to speed on the potential risks that could come their way. You can train your employees on the ever-changing world of cybercrime one of two ways: outsource the training using online classes or utilize your in-house cybersafety team. Both are going to require your company to keep your team up-to-date on cyber training but are both equally effective.

By now, everyone knows the importance of cyber protection. One thing companies may not be ready for is how to budget for it. One of the best ways to truly gain an understanding of what all you will need is by working with a cyber-company that will first let you know what your biggest risks are. Whether your website has an online payment portal or you work with personal information, they can establish what makes you the most vulnerable to online crime. Once this has been established, your newly hired cyber team can get to work making sure that your customers, employees, and business are protected.

With a new year comes new possibilities as well as new threats. Be sure that when you plan your upcoming budget, you take into account cybercrime. Hiring a cybersecurity team member will not only help protect your employees, but it will ultimately protect your livelihood. If you need help finding the perfect fit for your team, be sure to reach out to Skywalk Group today.