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Don't Let a Qualified Candidate Slip through the Cracks: Capitalize on Passive Candidates

With each generation comes a new influx of knowledge, talent, and skills. However, the latest generation is much different from the rest. Millennials are the driving force behind the current job market and make up a good deal of passive candidates.

Passive candidates are those people who are not actively seeking out a new job. These candidates are typically content in their current job role. This means they are likely a valued employee who is making solid contributions to the team. So how do you target these stellar candidates? Nowadays, social media rules the world.

From Instagram to LinkedIn, social media strategy is a huge aspect of attracting candidates. Many companies have yet to cash in on the online experience and they are missing out on the next great hire. There are a few things to focus on with your social media campaign when trying to attract the elusive passive candidate:

Update your mission statement: Times have changed and now more than ever employees want to know that they are on a winning team. Focus on employee achievements as well as company ones. Outline goals and how the company gives back to the community. Passive candidates want to know what sets your company apart from the rest.

Participate in cultures outside of your organization: From alumni networks to charity organizations, branching out is a great way to attract candidates. Not only will going to these events help spread the word about your company, but it shows that you value your community and where your employees came from.

Maintain your authenticity: All companies have employees. But what is it that makes yours different? Use this part of the strategy to outline actual employees. Give them the spotlight. By showcasing your employees and allowing them to highlight how amazing your company is, you create an enticing environment for future potential candidates.

Passive candidates are a whole new ballgame when it comes to hiring. The strategy has to be different because this person isn’t even looking for a new career because they are already excelling where they are. It’s your job to make your company so appealing that they want to leave their current role. By playing to their habits and advertising on social media, you are more likely to not only peak their interest, but also recruit them to your team.

Skywalk Group has a process in place to find you the best candidates. Contact our team of experts today to find your next hire!